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We’re taking shorter holidays over Covid fears


We’re taking shorter holidays over Covid fears

A study of a wide range of UK travellers found before the pandemic, the average holidaymaker would spend three months planning, packing and preparing for their trip before jetting off.

But 42 per cent admit they now leave holiday prep until the last minute, despite being super organised in the pre-pandemic days. And 31 per cent cram everything into the last few days, with 43 per cent worried it will be cancelled until they actually get on the plane.

Nearly seven in 10 are anxious they will catch Covid in the 10-day lead-up, with 33 per cent convinced they will get it before going away. And half think they will jinx things if they start organising in advance. The study was commissioned by Medicspot, which provides Covid-19 recovery certificates for travel.

A spokesperson for Medicspot:

“Holidays have been a novelty for such a long time now – people are anxious right up until the very last day before travelling. However, there’s certainly an appetite among Brits to go on holiday following the pandemic with the majority prepared to plan ahead to ensure they have the safest trip away possible.”

The study revealed printing travel documents, ensuring passports are up to date and arranging travel were among the top priorities for adults when planning a holiday. A third also said checking the Covid restrictions of their destination was a key priority for them before going abroad, while 25 per cent ensure they arrange their Covid tests and recovery certificates.

However, nearly one in five adults have been on holiday without taking out travel insurance or considering the right currency rate to take with them. While one in 10 admit they have not even considered the travel to their accommodation.

But no matter how much they prepare, a third say there is always a mishap. It also emerged 72 per cent of adults think holidays must be carefully planned, with 82 per cent believing people now need to be reactive to change their plans.

When it comes to booking international trips, one in five feel completely safe to book a holiday regardless of Covid, with 29 per cent still keen to go on holiday despite having concerns about the virus. However, 24 per cent will avoid booking any international trips until they feel safe.

A spokesperson for Medicspot:

“Despite restrictions easing, there is a sense of preparation among people to ensure they have the safest holiday possible. The pandemic and Covid has only escalated this, with tests and recovery certificates being a key priority on people’s holiday list.

“But the current climate shouldn’t put people off from going on the trip of a lifetime, especially after an intense couple of years of the pandemic.”

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