On this Day: April 23rd, 1975.
ATV Today stalwart John Swallow, the man of the amusing reports, joins employees from the tyre-making factory Michelin at Stoke on Trent for a lesson in keep fit, with the latest craze of the day, jogging.
John Swallow:
“Well, when you want to keep fit – there’s only one way to do it these days – that’s to go jogging. So, when I go jogging I like to be dressed for the event, and it is quite an event. I always wear a knotted handkerchief on my head, stops the sweat getting in your eyes and keeps the hair out too, and on cold mornings like this, it’s useful to wipe your nose on as well. Always wear my watch… always nice to record time. On my other wrist, always useful, sweatband, again a lot of sweat in this sport. On my feet a rather expensive pair of running shoes… good pair of warm socks and a lightweight pair of pants. Kitted out like this, I sometimes wonder if I’m fit enough to go a jogging?”
John starts his report at a sports field near the tyre factory. He gets a quick check over by the Michelin doctor before joining staff who had taken up jogging for a healthier lifestyle. John also speaks with a sports trainer as to why people have taken up jogging.