Your Pick of the Plots for Thursday, March 3.

Whitney realises she has made a breakthrough with Chelsea when she makes an excuse to Karen about not visiting Gray in hospital.
Karen later visits Gray and as she talks about the kids and mentions Whitney, Gray’s eyes flicker open, confused about what has happened to him.
Meanwhile, after learning Harvey has asked Jean to slow things down, Dana explains the situation to Jean leaving Jean more determined than ever to help him.
Harvey heads to the police station to sign the witness statement but can he go through with it?
Elsewhere, Mick receives divorce papers from Linda. Kat goes to see Phil in prison and opens up to him about Tommy.
EastEnders, BBC One, 7.30pm

How will the support group react when they find out Charles has been visiting Meena?
Meanwhile, Rhona has a plan.
Elsewhere, Kim asks Jai for his shares in HOP in return for money to clear his loan and put a deposit on Mulberry.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7pm

When Mercedes asks Bobby about who he’s messaging, his defensiveness makes her suspicious and Bobby has to think on his feet, but will his excuse backfire?
Meanwhile, finding reason to celebrate, James resorts to an unlikely companion after Ste’s rejection.
Later, his chain of recklessness continues as he decides to spend the night taking risks and bumps into a man who takes a shine to him.
Elsewhere, Leah gives Ella the confidence she needs to give Charlie an ultimatum.
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm