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Sister Sledge ft. Sledgendary are ‘Free’ with first single


Sister Sledge ft. Sledgendary are ‘Free’ with first single

Sister Sledge ft. Sledgendary the evolution of the multi award winning group ‘Sister Sledge’ has released this week their highly anticipated debut single.

A song that celebrates the freedom that love inspires the single unites the iconic trademark groove of Sister Sledge with the fresh and energized identity of the next generation of one of the world’s most famous families.

Led by Debbie Sledge, founding sister of the ‘We Are Family’ legends, the unique family affair is letting loose in 2022 with an upbeat, vibrant anthem that is bursting with perfectly complimenting R&B, funk and pop influences Free is the first single released by the family as a collective in almost 20 years. Honoring a precious mantra of the late great Joni Sledge, it delivers the universal message that “Nothing is greater than love”.

Debbie Sledge:

“Free was written to express the sheer release of limits, setbacks and prisons through Love. A release from guilt, shame, past and future hurts, fears, doubts and emotional wounds. The single is a testimony and a declaration of the freedom Love brings, a celebration of free will and the ability to trust, hope, dream and create. Within Love’s strong arms, there are NO limitations. When Love sets us free, we are free indeed!”

Sister Sledge ft Sledgendary have united to uplift and entertain audiences with a vibrant new sound, but also to use the power of music to inspire social change and to champion the core message of love and unity.

You can stream and download on all the usual services and platforms.

Sister Sledge ft. Sledgendary includes more of the Sledge family and continues the group’s sensational legacy. Founding member and vocal director Debbie Sledge joins her daughter Camille Sledge son David Sledge, Thaddeus Sledge son of the late founding member J oni Sledge and long term Sister Sledge vocalist Tanya Ti et on stage and in the studio for a ‘ new chapter.

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