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You are most likely to meet your soulmate at work, new study finds..


You are most likely to meet your soulmate at work, new study finds..

20% of 50-64 year olds met their partner through work, the highest of any age group.

You are most likely to find your soulmate at work, new research finds. Comparison site Casino Bee compared the results of more than 2000 participants who had been asked the following question, ‘How did you meet your current, or most recent partner?’

The answers were broken down into 13 different categories, from mutual friend encounters to speed dating, to find out which was the most common place for people to meet their other half. It found that 16% of participants met their significant other ‘through work’ – the highest percentage out of all the options.

The second most common way to meet your partner was ‘through mutual friends’ with 15% of participants admitting that they came to know their partner through a shared common friendship group. The third most common way was ‘in passing while out and about’ which included bumping into their significant other through meet-cute activities, such as going to the pub, a café or music event.

The research shows the least likely way to meet your partner is ‘through family’ with just 3% of people meeting their partner this way. 18-25 year olds were most likely to have met their partner through a dating app, with 11% having met their special someone through Hinge, Tinder or a similar alternative.

People aged 18-25 were equally as likely to find their soulmate through mutual friends, university or school – each accounting for 10% of their total. 39% of all 18-25 year olds who took part, however, admitted to having not had a partner at all. People between 25-49 years old were most likely to have found their partner through ‘mutual friends,’ with 16% of this age group finding their partner this way.

20% of 50-64 year olds met their significant other ‘through work,’ the highest out of all of the groups, dropping slightly to 18% for 65 year olds or older – bringing up the overall average for work born romances.

A spokesperson for Casino Bee commented on the findings:

“The research shows that most people met their partner through work, with one fifth of all 50-64 year olds reporting to have met their significant other during their career. It is possible that a shared common interest in their field, as well as intimate work environments, create the ideal conditions for love to blossom.

“The majority of 18-24 year olds met their partner through dating apps, however they were nearly as likely to meet them through in person encounters, suggesting there is still plenty of opportunity to meet your soulmate in the current climate.”

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