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Carys Davies, Tayo Oguntonade and Simon O’Brien get Channel 4’s house in order

Channel 4

Carys Davies, Tayo Oguntonade and Simon O’Brien get Channel 4’s house in order

The Great House Giveaway unites on  Channel 4.

Simon O’Brien:

“I have been working alongside Carys for two years now as we’ve done the English and Welsh versions of The Great House Giveaway side by side. Her depth of knowledge about all things property related are second to none so I am chuffed to bits she will now bring that to the English-speaking audience too!”

All three presenters from the Channel 4 and S4C versions will join forces when the show returns to Channel 4 later this year. Welsh estate agent and presenter Carys Davies will join regular Channel 4 presenters Simon O’Brien and Tayo Oguntonade with the search for hidden property gems in desperate need of a refresh by our house flipping newcomers.

In the game-changing property format, The Great House Giveaway sees two people, who have never met and have never owned a home, given a lump sum to buy a property at auction. The pair then have six months to revive the property into a habitable and desirable home with the aim to split any profits. If they don’t sell – the house goes back to the auction.

Carys Davies:

“I’m delighted to join the boys in the upcoming Channel 4 series! I’ve been put to work being their estate agent on the ground in Wales – what a baptism of fire!”

Series two of the Welsh version Tŷ Am ddim began this week on S4C, series three of the Channel 4 version is set to air later this year.

Tayo Oguntonade:

“Having presented the Welsh version for two series, I’m so thrilled Carys is joining us for Channel 4’s version too! She knows the Welsh real estate market inside out so the guidance she gives our property newbies is next level.”

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