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More medical situations for the Geordie Hospital


More medical situations for the Geordie Hospital

Best on the Box choice for February 1st…

It’s back to Tyneside for more medical situations, pet.

Based across Newcastle’s hospitals, this series celebrates the extraordinary work performed by NHS staff, following world-class medics and dedicated support teams as they pull together, working all hours to save and transform lives forever.

In this episode, male fertility specialist Kevin performs surgery to find out whether it is possible for cystic fibrosis patient Karl to start a family with his childhood sweetheart. Clinical nurse specialist Sean looks after staff welfare using Pilates.Children’s staff nurse Rachel reflects on her childhood ambition of becoming a nurse.

Ear, nose and throat consultant Claire operates on six-year-old Harrison to try to strengthen his voice. And the medical team operate on grandfather Donald to remove a huge tumour from his thigh.

Geordie Hospital, Channel 4, 8 pm

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