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Nice Tunes Radio donates profits to charity


Nice Tunes Radio donates profits to charity, the generous radio station which donates all profits to the sick children of Lenval Foundation in Nice, on the French Riviera

The web radio has two missions: sharing with its worldwide listeners the best of 60s to 90s music, and helping children with illnesses by donating all of its profits to the Lenval Foundation, in Nice.

Three years after its creation, the outcome is extremely positive: the radio reached more than 10 000 listeners every day from 77 different countries and donated several €2,000 cheques to Lenval Foundation. The web radio station is dedicated to the musical universe from the 60s to the 90s.

nicetunesradio is a web radio, which streams music 24 hours a day and 365 days a year on its website. Set up in 2018 by Philippe Noyer, the radio has more than 5 000 albums available, allowing a certain rotation and a variation in the playlist, with a 48-days autonomy.

nicetunesradio’s programming is very rich. It explores several musical styles, including English pop, American rock, reggae, blues, funk, progressive and psychedelic. Alongside hits and classics, the radio puts into the spotlight “B-side” songs, and less known authors and performers.

The specificity of, an association constituted under the French law of 1901, is to donate all of its benefits to children with illnesses from Lenval Foundation in Nice, a well-known non-profit association. The latter is in charge of a kids hospital, as well as several social and socio-medical institutions in the city of Nice. On February 12, 2019, after one year of existence, the radio donated a first €2,000 cheque to the Foundation. Since then, it has given a number of other cheques with the same amount.

Philippe Noyer has several ambitions for He wants to keep developing the audience and to reach new listeners in the world.

On another note, he is looking for new donors and advertisers, which would allow him to go on with his project to help sick children. To do so, he plans to organize in 2022, 2023 and the following years, charity concerts with internationally known groups and musicians (Genesis Revisited, Steve Hackett and many others) with whom he has a good relationship. The money coming from the €2 to €5 ticket will be donated to the Lenval Foundation.

Philippe discovered a passion for music in 1968, thanks to the influence of a music-loving godfather. Self-educated, he became a DJ on the French Riviera, and worked as such from 1979 to 1986. He also worked for two years in the nightclub zone of a record store in Nice, called “Sorbonne Musique”, in 1981 and 1982.

At the beginning of the 1980s, with the emergence of free radios, Philippe started working in the field of radio. From 1980 to 1984, he hosted a show on Radio Nice. At the same time, he worked as a salesman in a record company.

In 1986, he became a sales representative, but his passion remained prominent in his life. Such a rich professional history allowed Philippe to deepen his knowledge and to build up a music library composed of around 5 000 albums.

“My passion for the various musical genres made me want to share my music library, through the creation of a web radio that offers high quality programming, and not only composed of standardised tunes you can listen to everywhere,”

In 2018, he realised his dream and launched

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