This week in Shieldinch…
Stunned by news of Pete’s sudden death, Maggie is shocked at Caitlin’s reaction. Determined to mark Pete’s passing, Maggie decides to organise a community memorial. But Caitlin’s grief is overshadowed by her anger towards her ex-husband.
Maggie tries to make Caitlin embrace her grief and recognise the good times they had together. In a painful confession, Maggie admits she’s scared Caitlin will refuse to mourn her, just as she’s rejecting Pete. A pained Caitlin relents, but still stubbornly refuses to be involved.
As the community gather to pay their respects, some much-needed light relief comes when Sam and Stevie misunderstand Maggie’s ‘hero’ theme for the memorial.

With the locals fondly remembering their friend, a heartbroken AJ struggles to read the eulogy for his best friend, so Sam steps in, capturing the essence of how loved Pete was by all. As Caitlin watches on, she decides to bid her own emotional farewell to the love of her life, Pete Galloway.
Elsewhere, Scarlett accidentally lets slip about Duncan’s attempt to buy her silence to a shocked Bernie. Enraged, Bernie confronts Duncan who, in turn, escalates his threats towards Scarlett: if anyone finds out the truth about Stevie’s paternity, there will be serious consequences. Fearing the worst, Ellie grows convinced that a grief-stricken Caitlin has changed her mind about being a surrogate.
Meanwhile, new doctor Gillian Gibson arrives with her assistant Mikey Duffy. The larger-than-life pair make quite an impact but misinterpret Sonny’s talk about a community party – little realising it’s actually a memorial.
This episode is a special tribute to actor Andy Gray who died in 2021 and played the character of Pete Galloway in River City from 2016.
River City, BBC Scotland Channel, Monday, 10 pm. (Repeated on BBC One Scotland, 7 pm, Tuesday).