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George Clarke pokes into another Amazing Space


George Clarke pokes into another Amazing Space

Best on the Box choice for January 7th.

The show that celebrates and showcases some of the most imaginative small-space pioneers returns, as George Clarke explores inspirational and ingenious amazing spaces.

In this first episode, George travels to Devon to meet former events manager Val, who has put her life savings into building a stargazing cabin with a rather unusual twist. George also meets actor and singer Gemma, who has the bit between her teeth to transform a vintage Sinclair horsebox into a mobile performance space as she tries to keep the show on the road. And this year, George is leaving his passport at home as he goes on a world tour without ever leaving the UK, celebrating the melting pot of international influences that can be found on our doorstep.

For his first stop, he heads to the Isle of Skye to indulge in a wonderful slice of Norway.

Weather-beaten and beautiful, this longhouse has much to share with those of the Norwegian Vikings. And once again, George sets out with master craftsman Will Hardie to create their own build that pushes the boundaries of design. This project might be their most ambitious yet, as they try to design a studio flat that can be transformed into a magical indoor garden.

George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces, Channel 4, 8 pm

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