It’s a bleak end to the year for Belle Dingle in Emmerdale…
Next week (Dec 27th – Dec 31st) Ellis invites Belle on his excursion with Kyle leaving her hopeful that they are moving in the right direction, but is she under the wrong impression or does Ellis fancy a bunk-up?
We’re not going to find out anytime soon as the week progresses and while enjoying the great outdoors just as Belle leans in for a kiss, Ellis’ phone buzzes and he rushes off to help Priya, leaving Belle and Kyle (the young son of Cain Dingle and Amy Wyatt) to countryside life together.
Things take a turn for the worse as the week, and the year comes to an end, having been abandoned by Ellis, Belle is left to care for Kyle when he suffers a twisted ankle. They decide the best option is to head home. However realising that she gave her car keys to Ellis, Belle resorts to some drastic measures in an attempt to warm up a freezing Kyle up. Belle panics when she realises that her phone is without signal and on low power. Shivering and scared, Belle leaves a voicemail for Ellis. As her phone dies, Belle fears what the night has in store for her and Kyle…
Here Eden who plays Belle ponders the romance and situation ahead for Belle next week…
What are Belle’s feelings towards Ellis?
I think Belle really likes Ellis and has always had a soft spot for him since they were together years ago. Belle feels he is finally moving on from Priya and they really could go somewhere.
Does she feel like they’re finally moving in the right direction?
Definitely, he’s making a real effort with Belle and she’s loving hanging out with him. Belle thinks he feels the same.
So what happens when Priya calls him?
He suddenly drops Belle and Kyle in a second when Priya calls because she’s having a breakdown. He doesn’t hesitate to leave them both in the woods to go and help her.
Does Belle experience any jealousy?
Yes, Belle is 100% jealous. Belle and Ellis are nearly kissing when he gets the call from Priya and I think that tells Belle his head is still all over the place with her.

Is she aware of Ellis’ feelings towards Priya?
I think up until he leaves to go help her Belle really thought his head was focused on just her.
When Ellis leaves Belle and Kyle, how does this make her feel?
She definitely feels like a second thought but because she has Kyle to sort she has something to distract her about being left for Priya.
What’s happened to Kyle? How has he twisted his ankle?
He leaves Belle and Ellis to go find wood for the fire and he comes back with a really bad twisted ankle and he’s struggling to walk.
How soon after Ellis has gone does she realise he has their car keys?
They’ve packed up and are heading to the car to get Kyle back to Cain when she realises Ellis has the car keys.
How panicked is she at this point?
I think she’s not too panicked as she thinks Ellis will answer the phone and come get them straight away but he doesn’t ….

They face a night outside in the cold so she needs to take action fast. Does she try to call anyone and what happens?
She tries to call Ellis and Cain but as she’s calling Cain her phone dies. She realises the temperature is freezing at this point and Kyle can’t walk, they’re about an hour away from the village so have no way to get back and she’s really panicking now.
She smashes the car window in an attempt to get Kyle warm but she is losing all hope at this point. She’s trying to keep a brave face for Kyle but she knows if they’re left out here all night they’re in big trouble.
How is Kyle at this point?
Kyle is wrapped up in Belle’s coat and a blanket but even then he’s drifting in and out of sleep and Belle is worried he will go unconscious with the cold.
Are Kyle and Belle in real danger?
Definitely. They’re in minus temperatures with no keys, phone or warmth. No one is coming to help them. Belle is very worried.
Emmerdale weekday evenings on ITV and STV.