Your Pick of the Plots for Thursday, December 16.

Gray’s former boss Laura is back in Walford with a warning for him.
Whitney sees an angry Laura after her confrontation with Gray and enquires about her firing Gray. Laura tells Whitney about Gray’s dangerous and misogynistic streak before suggesting she stays well away from him – Chelsea too
Meanwhile, Rocky helps Dotty out when she doesn’t have enough money to pay the dealer. Peter observes the exchange.
Rocky is adamant that this is the last time, warning Dotty to get her mum into a rehab but Sandy steals all the drugs from Dotty and does a runner.
Elsewhere, Janine picks up that things are fraught between Mick and Linda.
EastEnders, BBC One, 8.35pm

Curtis admits that he is not dying, explaining how he first feigned illness when his parents were getting divorced, enjoying the attention but once he’d started, he couldn’t stop.
Curtis also admits that his medical training was a fib too. Emma orders him to pack his bags but when Steve mentions the £4k Curtis has raised, will she have a change of heart?
Meanwhile, with the Q&A in progress, Maria forces Sally to explain how she was imprisoned during her mayoral career. Smarting from her humiliation, Sally vows to beat Maria at her own game.
Elsewhere, Audrey is scared of losing her independence.
Coronation Street, ITV, 7.30pm

Anxious about being in social situations, Priya makes an excuse to get out of attending the carol concert with Amba.
She later regrets letting her daughter down and makes her way to the village hall in order to catch the rest of Amba’s concert. Soon, Priya begins to feel overwhelmed.
Meanwhile, Meena is overjoyed after she manages to convince Billy to let her move in for Christmas, despite his obvious reservations.
Elsewhere, things are not good between Sam and Lydia.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7pm

Encouraged by Trish to leave Hollyoaks behind, Maxine heads for the airport, but will Warren stop her before she goes?
Later, a confession from Sienna means that Warren has a choice to make.
Meanwhile, Theresa openly flirts with Ali but unbeknownst to her, someone is watching and questioning what she’s up to.
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm