Will PETA’s Banana-Yarn Birthday Gift Tempt Prince Charles Away From Wool?
In celebration of Prince Charles’ 73rd birthday, PETA has sent the patron of the Campaign for Wool a soft, sustainable, and sheep-friendly scarf made from banana fibres, along with a letter encouraging him to clean sheep’s wool out of his wardrobe.
“Banana fabric is kinder to animals and the environment than sheep’s wool, and PETA hopes it will inspire His Royal Highness to embrace vegan fabrics,” says PETA Director Elisa Allen. “With so many beautiful animal-free knits now available, it’s easier than ever to leave sheep’s wool behind and shop with compassion.”
PETA entities have released 14 exposés documenting cruelty to sheep at 117 wool operations on four continents, documenting cruelty every time.
In the UK, workers have been caught stamping and standing on sheep, slamming their heads and bodies into wooden floors, punching the gentle animals in the face, and crudely stitching up gaping wounds with a needle and thread. In addition, the Pulse of the Fashion Industry report found that wool is one of the most environmentally damaging materials. Just like farming cows, it generates huge quantities of greenhouse-gas emissions that fuel the climate crisis.
PETA – whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear” – opposes speciesism, a human-supremacist worldview.