The former Landlady of the Rovers Return is heading overland in Spain for a new ITV series.
Beverley is renewing her wedding vows with husband Jon in Spain and she has enlisted her DJ friend to help plan and organise the special day.
The pair hit it off on the set of I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! in 2020.
Jordan will join Beverley travelling overland throughout Spain. While they’ll be plotting her big day along the way, they will also be taking part in various local activities, enjoying everything from flamenco dancing to mud bathing and grape crushing to paella making.
The travelogue will also see Jordan face his long list of fears with Beverley’s help. He will be tackling thrill-seeking activities such as flyboarding, ziplining and paragliding. Will he be able to build on the confidence he developed in the castle?

But it won’t all be high-octane pursuits. Viewers can expect some tender moments too as the pair reflect on their time in the castle and prepare for Beverley’s big day.
The personalities will travel through Northern Spain, Madrid, Toledo, Valencia and Benidorm before arriving in Mojacar, Almeria where Beverley has a home.
Beverly’s Spanish residence coincidentally isn’t far from where Jordan’s parents now live. It’s here where the trip will culminate in an emotional renewal ceremony in the Spanish sunshine.
Beverley and Jordan: Destination Wedding begins tonight at 8 pm on ITV.