Your Pick of the Plots for Monday, October 18.

Peter confronts Liam – Cindy has been in touch with him in need of money. Janine covers for Liam who gets an idea when Ben leaves him alone at The Arches.
Later, Janine fails to convince Jay to give her a job at the car lot. Undeterred, she fills Liam in on what she has planned.
Meanwhile, Denise has control of the salon again but Kim is unimpressed to hear of Phil’s involvement. It’s also not enough to take Kim’s mind off Vincent.
Elsewhere, Kat confronts Ash over the unpaid fare. She’s taken aback when Ash reveals that Harvey said to her. Kat promptly sacks Harvey.
Also, Whitney tries to persuade Chelsea to tell Gray the truth.
EastEnders, BBC One, 8.05pm

Debbie makes last minute preparations for her House of Horrors event; the drayman drops barrels of beer by the beer tent. Nobody notices that as each barrel lands, a tiny amount of earth dislodges itself into the Platts’ sinkhole. The storm starts to blow in.
Abi watches an Instagram video of Corey packing for Germany and puts a gun into her bag. Nina discovers what she is planning. Abi is shocked to find police outside Corey’s house.
Meanwhile, Harvey deliberately injures himself in prison and demands to go to hospital. As he mounts an escape attempt, the prison van crashes into Dev’s car which has been brought to a halt by the storm.
Later, Kevin arrives at the crash site but is attacked by Harvey who steals the pickup truck. Harvey later turns up at the Bistro and startles Leanne. As smoke seeps into the car Dev has to decide which of his children to save. He pulls Asha from the wreckage just as the car goes up.
Meanwhile, Abi goes in search of Corey. She prepares to pull the trigger but the ground gives way beneath them. They find themselves trapped in a Victorian sewer.
Elsewhere, Johnny tells Carla he is going to Bali to be with Kate.
Coronation Street, ITV, 7.30pm and 8.30pm

The survival challenge begins with cries of enthusiasm. As the survivalists jump into their rafts and set off down the river, Billy and Ben try to rally their respective team members.
Meena has a dangerous plan – and the day takes a horrible turn.
Meanwhile, Charity and Mack separate themselves from their respective groups in order to cheat.
Elsewhere, Priya and Ellis head off for some cheeky fun in the woods.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7pm

Warren prepares to bid farewell to the village after one final job with Fergus but Maxine isn’t ready to let him go. Trish offers Maxine a proposition she can’t refuse.
Later, whilst Fergus and Warren are in the midst of their final job in the village, they receive an anonymous warning. Warren is certain he knows who the culprit is, and he confronts former friend Felix, who reminds him that he’ll do anything to protect his family.
Meanwhile, Felix reveals to Pearl that he intends to propose to Martine before her surgery. As Felix promises to Martine he will be there when she wakes up, Warren resolves to shut Felix up once and for all.
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm

Bear tries to persuade Makeda to seek medical care – it’s clear she isn’t well. She is very resistant.
Bear eventually gets his mum to visit the Mill. Sid is free but Makeda would prefer to be seen by the more senior Zara.
Al and Jimmi clash over the former’s obsessive texting.
Doctors, BBC One, 1.45pm