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ITV celebrate Denise Robertson’s lasting legacy


ITV celebrate Denise Robertson’s lasting legacy

This Morning earlier today shone a light on Denise Robertson’s lasting legacy.

As the show’s agony aunt for 27 years, Denise helped so many with her care and advice, but in 2004 she took a trip to Uganda where she met 11-year-old Fred and younger brother Emanuel Ssemmenda who were orphaned after losing their parents to aids.

The pair made a lasting impression on Denise who went on to fundraise for them back in the UK and money raised helped to fund towards a house and supplies that transformed their lives and meant they could get access to school. Now, 17 years on from that visit, Eamonn Holmes and Ruth Langsford spoke to Fred, now grown up with his own child. Speaking live from Uganda, Fred said, “I’m extremely happy to be with you.”

Revealing how he has named his baby boy in Denise’s honour, Fred said, “He is now one week and two days old. We had a long discussion about which name we should call him, and finally we thought we should call him Dennis Robertson Ssemmenda, based on the strong history and attachment I have with that name.”

Ruth said, “It’s a wonderful tribute to Denise and congratulations to you and your partner Sandra. How much did Sandra know about Denise and how important she was in your life?”

Fred replied, “Wherever I am, I always mention… I can’t leave a place without mentioning Denise. She is so close to my heart… [my partner] says I always hear you say ‘Denise, Denise, who is Denise?’ and I say she is my guardian angel and who took care of me from childhood with my brother until I joined university.”

Breaking down in tears, Fred said, “When I think about her, I am always heartbroken…”

Eamonn went on to explain, “The charity and foundation that Denise set up lives on and lives on through you. What do you still hope to achieve with Denise’s Foundation?”

Fred replied, “Our charity operation is for education and sustainability. Currently we help 96 children and we can give them food, materials for all basic needs.”

On his memories of Denise and what he remembers most, Fred went on to say, “She is always close to my heart. I will always remember her for the good things she did for me and the entire world. She’s a real credit and she was an amazing and lovely lady.”

After the interview, Ruth said, “What a lovely legacy for Denise…Imagine how she would’ve felt meeting that baby?” Eamonn added, “How lovely it is of Fred to be influenced so much by her that he continues that work.”

This Morning, weekdays from 10am on ITV, STV, UTV and catch up on the ITV Hub.

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