The former UKIP Leader spoke to ITV this morning.
Farage, who also headed up the Brexit Party, discussed the former president with Susanna Reid and Bill Turnbull on ITV’s Good Morning Britain via satellite link from Phoenix, Arizona.
Speaking about his relationship with Donald Trump and visiting him in the US, Nigel said:
“He is going back on the road. I’ve been to Mar-a-Lago twice since I’ve been here. I’ve spent a fair bit of time with him. He’s on good form. He’s going back on the road. The rallies will start again in June and he will get his message out, that I’ve got no doubt.”
When asked if Donald Trump will run for president again in 2024, Nigel felt it was likely, if health permitted, that Trump would attempt a White House return.
“I think he’s weighing it up very closely. He’s 74, he’s in very good health actually. He’d lost a lot of weight when I saw him. He’s playing lots of golf. He’s very determined, mentally. Ready to fight again.”
“But between 74 and 78, things can of course go wrong. I would just say this, the Republican Party in my view hasn’t got anyone else with his courage and charisma. I know his style occasionally puts some people off but he does have courage and charisma. Unless somebody remarkable appears in the Republican Party, I think there is a very good chance that he will go again.”
Farage also discussed why he’s stateside, hosting a series of talks, which the UK press and social media have said were ‘poorly attended’.
“I’ve just finished an event here in Phoenix. There were well over 1000 people there; a really uproarious mood. And of course Brexit, the Trump phenomenon, these are part of the same. We’re fighting common enemies”
On the UK press’ coverage – and social media mocking – of his latest venture, he observed, “what you get is ridiculous cancel culture mobs putting out lies on Twitter that no-one is turning up and all the rest of it.”
“I’ve been touring now for five weeks. It’s been very successful, there have been big audiences every single night. I can show you the photograph from that night. That was in Pittsburgh. There were about 250 there. Not as many as a thousand tonight but a very decent, respectable crowd.”
Good Morning Britain, weekdays on ITV from 6 am. Catch up on the ITV Hub