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Increase in adult toy fun since start of pandemic


Increase in adult toy fun since start of pandemic

People are using sex toys more during the pandemic, a new survey reveals.

A survey conducted by Peaches and Screams reveals people are using sex toys more during the pandemic

“The results do not surprise me. People are feeling lonely, and some are separated from their loved ones. It makes sense that sex toy sales are booming now,”

– Katie Lasson, a sex and relationship advisor for Peaches and Screams.

Covid-19 has impacted almost all aspects of our lives, and sex is no exception. 75% of the 20000 surveyed buyers said they have been using sex toys more during the pandemic. Since communication is more challenging than ever, 67% revealed they had used an app-controlled sex toy with their partner. When it comes to the choice of the sex toy, most prefer a vibrator (45%), butt plug (30%) or a dildo (25%).

Solo-play has also become more popular. In fact, 45% said they masturbate a few a week, while 34% revealed they do it on a daily bases. When looking for a vibrator, clients pay attention to the brand, quality, noise and power. According to the survey, people are willing to pay for their pleasure as the price is the least essential aspect of their choice.

“It’s crucial for people to take care of their sexual needs. Nowadays, there are so many great options that can make solo-play or sex a lot more pleasurable, and people should not be afraid to use them. Feeling good about your sexuality is an important part of our well-being. Sex and sexual stimulation is a uniquely personal, private and intimate thing. While everyone enjoys sexual stimulation, the truth about pleasure is it can sometimes be difficult to achieve alone without some additional objects, otherwise known as sex toys,”

– Katie Lasson, a sex and relationship advisor for Peaches and Screams.

Peaches and Screams is a leading online adult sex shop located in the UK, offering over 5,000 sex toys and sexy lingerie products. New sex toys and lingerie pieces are added almost on a daily basis, which means that you will always find something new and exciting every time you come back.

While the majority of people know that they can go to a sex toy store within their communities, there can be some embarrassment and fear of being seen doing so. Fortunately, with the invention of the internet and e-commerce, buying a sex toy can be done privately and safely from home.






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