This week in Pobol Y Cwm and Rownd a Rownd from S4C.

As Garry and Dylan try to woo Dani, who will succeed in attracting her attention? Cassie interviews candidates for a barmaid job at the Deri and Sara and Kelly go head to head.
John Deri Fawr oversteps the mark leaving Eileen in danger. Following Gerwyn’s confession, Mark faces getting along with Brynmor or moving out and living alone. As Kelly disappoints Jason with her article, it turns out to be a cathartic experience after all. How will Tesni react when she hears about Guto and Gerwyn leaving for South America?
Tesni and Sion have an argument when he suspects that she’s damaging the reputation of the shop. Izzy tries to persuade Mathew to buy a house together.
Gyda Garry a Dylan yn awyddus i swyno Dani, pwy fydd yn llwyddo i gael ei sylw? Wrth i Cassie gynnal cyfweliadau, rhaid i Sara a Kelly fynd ben ben am swydd yn y Deri.
Mae John Deri Fawr yn mynd cam yn rhy bell gan adael Eileen mewn peryg. Yn dilyn cyffesiad Gerwyn, mae’n rhaid i Mark wynebu cydfyw gyda Brynmor neu symud allan i fyw ar ben ei hun.
Wrth i Kelly siomi Jason gyda’i herthygl, daw profiad llesol iddo yn y pendraw. Sut wnaiff Tesni ymateb pan gaiff wybod am Guto a Gerwyn yn gadael i deithio De America?
Aiff yn ffrae rhwng Tesni a Sion wrth iddo fe ei chyhuddo o ddod ag enw drwg i’r siop. Ceisia Izzy berswadio Mathew i brynu tŷ gyda hi.
Pobol y Cwm, S4C, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8 pm
English and Welsh subtitles, Omnibus on Sunday

At the cafe, Mel and Sophie are so busy they have not had time to bake cakes. There is a great demand for Glenda’s cakes, but with her stuck at home with an injured hand, Mel must make a call for help.
Mathew has nobody to turn to but Barry and he finds himself taking a step that could change things forever. Meanwhile, Iestyn finds that working for Barry isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Despite Philip’s efforts, Glenda is adamant that she is not returning to work in the café. As he faces the reality of his staffing problem, he realises that Glenda’s retirement will cost him dearly.
Arthur hopes to make a small fortune when he sells Wyn’s ring, but he is shocked when he learns of its true value.
Dani is also thinking about her fortune as she announces to Barry that Wyn’s house has sold, but as usual his mind is on other plans, mainly enjoying Mathew suffer as he becomes more desperate for painkillers.
Yn y caffi mae Mel a Sophie yn rhy brysur i gael amser i bobi cacennau. Mae ‘na ofyn mawr am gacennau Glenda, ond mae Glenda wedi anafu ei llaw, felly mi fydd rhaid i Mel wneud galwad ffôn.
Heb unlle i droi heblaw at Barry, mae Mathew yn cymryd cam fydd yn newid pethau am byth. Ar yr un pryd, mae Iestyn yn darganfod nad yw gweithio i Barry yn fêl i gyd.
Er gwaethaf pob ymdrech gan Philip, nid yw Glenda’n fodlon dychwelyd i weithio yn y caffi. Ac wrth iddo orfod wynebu realiti ei sefyllfa staffio mae’n sylweddoli bod ymddeoliad Glenda’n mynd i gostio’n ddrud iddo.
Gwneud ei ffortiwn yw nod Arthur wrth iddo werthu modrwy Wyn, ond caiff sioc wrth ddarganfod ei werth gwirioneddol.
Arian sydd ar feddwl Dani hefyd wrth iddi hi gyhoeddi wrth Barry bod tŷ Wyn wedi ei werthu. Fel bob amser, mae meddwl Barry ar gynlluniau eraill; yn bennaf mwynhau gweld Mathew yn gwingo wrth iddo fynd yn fwyfwy desbret am dabledi.
Rownd a Rownd, S4C, Tuesday and Thursday 8.25 pm
English and Welsh subtitles, Omnibus on Sunday