This week in Pobol y Cwm and Rownd a Rownd from S4C.

There’s excitement as Colin shares his plans to marry Britt officially, but will it be plain sailing after Britt overhears about Colin and Eileen’s drunken antics over Christmas? Jaclyn receives an exciting offer from Eileen.
On hearing that Ffion is unwell, Hywel is worried that she might have fallen off the wagon again. How long can Ffion keep her secret from Hywel? There’s a clash between Penrhewl and the farm next door as Eileen’s neighbour is adamant he wants to install solar panels on the land.
Following Iolo’s surgery, is there hope for his and Tyler’s relationship? Ffion confesses to Hywel that she’s pregnant but refuses to reveal who the father is.
Jason and Kelly’s relationship is put under strain when they face the possibility of being homeless. Gerwyn goes to extreme lengths to fund his trip with Guto to South America.
Mae Colin wedi cyffroi yn lan wrth iddo drefnu priodi Britt yn swyddogol, ond a fydd Brit mor gyffrous ar ôl gorglywed am noson feddwol Colin ag Eileen dros y Nadolig? Mae gan Eileen gynnig cyffrous i Jaclyn.
Mae Hywel yn poeni fod Ffion yn yfed eto yn dilyn ei habsenoldeb o’r gwaith ond am ba hyd y gall Ffion gadw ei chyfrinach wrth Hywel? Dydy pethau ddim yn dda rhwng Penrhewl a’r fferm drws nesa wrth i gymydog Eileen fynnu gosod paneli solar ar ei dir.
Yn dilyn llawdriniaeth Iolo, a oes gobaith iddo a Tyler ail-ddechrau eu perthynas? Mae Ffion yn cyfaddef wrth Hywel ei bod yn disgwyl babi, ond gwrthod datgelu pwy yw’r tad y gwna Ffion.
Aiff pethau o chwith rhwng Kelly a Jason wrth iddynt wynebu bod yn ddigartref. Mae Gerwyn yn mynd i eithafion er mwyn ariannu ei drip gyda Guto i Dde America.
Pobol y Cwm, S4C, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8 pm
English and Welsh subtitles. Omnibus on Sunday with on-screen English subtitles

In Thursday’s episode, Glenda is allowed home from the hospital and Philip is trying to find a replacement for the café. Elsewhere with advice from Barry, Dani refuses to sell Wyn’s house, but later Philip makes her wonder if she’s done the right thing.
Also this week the situation between Carwyn and Iestyn gets worse as Anest comprehends where Iestyn has got hold of his rent money from.
Heddiw mae Glenda yn cael dod adref o’r ysbyty ac mae Philip am geisio dod o hyd i rywun i gymryd ei le yn y caffi.
Gyda chyngor gan Barry mae Dani’n mynd ati i wrthod cynnig i werthu tŷ Wyn, ond mae Philip yn gwneud iddi amau os yw hi wedi gwneud y peth iawn.
Mae’r sefyllfa rhwng Carwyn a Iestyn yn gwaethygu wrth i Anest ddeall o ble mae Iestyn wedi cael ei arian rhent.
Rownd a Rownd, S4C, Thursday, May 13th at 8.25 pm
English and Welsh subtitles. Omnibus on Sunday with on-screen English subtitles