Brand new BBC One drama The Pursuit of Love, begins tonight, Sunday 9 May, after filming last year at The Bottle Yard Studios and in the Bristol and Bath area.
“This part of the UK has everything a production like The Pursuit of Love could possibly need; stately homes, studio space at The Bottle Yard, a strong crew base and supportive film offices in Bristol and Bath.
“Once the government had given the green light, Open Book and Moonage Pictures did an excellent job getting the shoot up and running with Covid-safety guidelines firmly in place. It was the hard work and adaptability of crews and companies in Bristol and Bath that enabled the West of England to be at the forefront of shoots like this resuming in the UK.” – Laura Aviles, Senior Bristol Film Manager
Adapted and directed by award-winning actor Emily Mortimer the three-part romantic comedy-drama about love and friendship stars Lily James as Linda Radlett and Emily Beecham as her best friend and cousin Fanny Logan.
One of the first drama productions to resume shooting in the UK after the first COVID-19 lockdown, The Pursuit of Love filmed for three months during the Summer on location in the Bristol and Bath area and at The Bottle Yard Studios. Some scenes were also completed in Paris, France.
The Bottle Yard Studios housed a number of period sets including Cheyney Walk House, Linda’s London home; the Radlett’s country estate, Alconleigh; Merlinford, the neighbouring estate belonging to the wealthy and eccentric Lord Merlin, played by Andrew Scott, Beverly Hills Hotel and The Ritz.
With support from Bath Film Office, the production team created a stunning period railway station inside Green Park Station, Bath’s former railway station. They also filmed exterior shots nearby in the Georgian terraced street of Green Park and outside No 1 Royal Crescent Museum.
Other locations used in the West of England region included National Trust properties Dyrham Park, Dinton Park and Phillips House, Stourhead House and Laycock Abbey in Wiltshire, and Avon Valley Railway in Bitton, South Gloucestershire.
“We had a great time filming The Pursuit of Love at The Bottle Yard Studios and in and around Bath and Bristol. Fantastic locations and talented local crew all contributed to a show we are very proud of. Being one of the first shows to film with Covid procedures in place was a challenge that was crucially supported by the Studios and Film Office, which helped everything run very smoothly.” – Executive Producer Frith Tiplady of Moonage Pictures
Produced by Open Book Productions and Moonage Pictures for BBC One, it is an adaptation of Nancy Mitford’s celebrated novel, originally published in 1945.