This week in Shieldinch… Maggie battles to understand her repressed memories.

Maggie struggles to absorb the revelations about Joe’s murder and the repercussions it has for her family. Nicole offers a sympathetic ear and Maggie realises how much she has protected the McLean family. However, Ellie is less willing to see Nicole as an ally and remains suspicious about her.
Caitlin talks to Ellie about the turn of events and tries to calm her sister, who is panicking about the shocking truth which has emerged. With her court case looming, Caitlin remains focussed on making sure the McLean family – and Nicole – are all singing from the same song sheet when it comes to the night Joe was murdered. No matter what.
Elsewhere, Stevie is morose, while Scarlett struggles to keep her temper after realising the extent of her son’s debt. Running out of options, a defeated Scarlett approaches Lenny for money to save the O’Haras from being made homeless. He obliges, much to Stevie’s chagrin.
Cameron continues to poison Dylan’s mind against their mother, Eve, by suggesting she cares more about Lou than either of them.
Bob tells Angus he’s concerned about how fast his new relationship with Rebecca is going. With Bob’s doubts ringing in his ears, Angus questions Rebecca about the fact he’s never met any of her friends or family. Panicked, she weaves more lies rather than come clean to the man she loves.
River City, BBC Scotland Channel, Monday, April 12th, 10 pm. Repeated later in the week on BBC One Scotland.