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Weighty problem: Netflix is far more appealing than exercising


Weighty problem: Netflix is far more appealing than exercising

Reports suggest over half of Brits have gained a stone or more (16.34 pounds) on average since lockdown began.

The past year has left many of us seeking comfort from food (56%) feeling an utter lack of motivation (35%) and reaching for those all too tempting takeaways (18%).

The lockdowns have had a huge impact on mental and physical health, with 1 in 3 putting their weight gain down to increased stress and anxiety.

However, not all Brits blame their lockdown lifestyles for their newfound figures. The research found that 24% feel their slow metabolism is to blame, and many others have turned to ‘go-to’ excuses to avoid working-out at all costs, with the most common being to blame the dreadful British weather (32%).

The top excuses to avoid exercise, which aren’t always necessarily true at the time.
The weather is too bad to leave the house. 32% 
Not having enough time to do it. 20% 
Not feeling well enough to exercise. 18% 
Having a health or physical impairment that stops them from working out. 14% 
Eating healthy is too expensive. 12% 

According to research conducted by nutritional product, Nourished, some of the great British public came clean about their bad habits, admitting that catching up on their Netflix series is far more appealing than exercising (18%).

The recent Government announcement – the plan to end Covid-19 UK lockdowns and restrictions on 21st June – has now become a key driver for many with almost half of Brits planning to ‘shape-up’ when lockdown eases and females (34%) feeling the pressure the most to ‘shape-up’ in time.

Further restrictions such as the closing of gyms has impacted those who had regular work-out schedules, with 21% putting their weight gain down to this and 43% finding home exercise sessions not having the same effect as their gym workouts.

As a result, over a third have taken up new forms of exercise, with the nation becoming avid walkers (61%) to help keep fit.

Other popular lockdown exercises include weight workouts, jogging, cycling and yoga.

Nourished have created the brand-new Shape Up Stack – six carefully formulated high impact, active ingredients in just one tasty chewable gummy to help those looking to shape up. It is available from at a price of £29.99 for a one-month supply.

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