Your Pick of the Plots for Wednesday, March 24.

After handing her some more drugs Harvey orders Leanne to put on her nurse’s uniform and get out there. Wearing the uniform, Leanne’s horrified when she’s approached to help a man who has collapsed. Later, she’s reticent to take on another job for Harvey and he isn’t best pleased.
Having heard from Toyah that she saw Leanne with another man, Nick is hurt to see Harvey’s coat at the flat but will it spur him on to rekindle things with Natasha? Seeing no other way out, Leanne decides to go to the police however she lands herself in trouble in the process.
Meanwhile, Fiz confronts Alina and orders her to stay away from Tyrone. Alina tears a strip off Tyrone for confessing all. Later, Fiz reluctantly meets with Tyrone in Speed Daal, but when Sally makes a dig about Tyrone and Alina, she hurries out, mortified.
Elsewhere, Cathy asks Steve for help as the views she expressed online continue to bite her on the bum. Eileen’s unimpressed to realise Sean has signed Daisy up to his dodgy makeup company. Kelly begs Imran to consider her idea that he and Toyah should foster her.
Coronation Street, ITV, 7.30pm and 8.30pm

Aaron is reluctant to help Mack load up the dodgy TVs, but eventually agrees. When the police arrive on the scene, Mack scarpers, leaving Aaron to face the music.
Meanwhile, Priya awkwardly avoids Ellis.
Elsewhere, Nicola tries to reassure Jimmy.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7pm

Sienna can’t wait to tell the world what Summer is really like. She decides to publicly announce it in the village, but will anyone believe her?
Meanwhile, as John Paul grows closer to Nancy, George’s jealousy intensifies. Later, while George is uninstalling the Osbornes’ CCTV, he finds a juicy conversation between Darren and Nancy where they admit to sleeping together. The only person Nancy has told is John Paul.
Elsewhere, strapped-for-cash Ste feels guilty that he can’t afford to send Leah to Trish’s dance school, so he offers to clean the hall for free after each class in return for Leah’s tuition.
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm

Bear realises Valerie used to know the new head of the PPG, who he is meeting for the first time tomorrow. She promises to fill him in. But a mysterious envelope seems to be weighing on her mind. Sid meets an old friend, Lewis, and is shocked to see how frail he is.
Lewis tells Sid he has a heart arrythmia and has had to quit boxing. He reveals his latest fundraising endeavour – twelve challenges to raise money for charity, based around the twelve labours of Hercules. He wants Sid to take on his mantle.
Meanwhile, Valerie fills Bear in on Miranda Evans – she was a terrible manager, a real bully.
Doctors, BBC One, 1.45pm