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Louise Thompson speaks about miscarriage


Louise Thompson speaks about miscarriage

Made In Chelsea regular Louise Thompson shared the tragic news of her miscarriage on social media this week.

The popular personality wanted to highlight miscarriage and to remind us all that what appears on social media isn’t always quite what it seems.

“Louise’s heart-breaking story highlights that people can feel like parents and imagine their baby’s future from the moment they see a positive pregnancy test, and naturally want to share that excitement – but sadly for the 1 in 4 pregnancies that ends in loss, the taboo that Louise mentioned can mean people don’t talk as openly when those hopes and dreams are taken away.

“That silence can lead grieving parents to struggle with terrible guilt and shame, so it’s good that Louise understands this wasn’t her fault and has found the support network she needs at such a difficult time – Tommy’s midwife Sophie King told ATV Today

In a heartfelt Instagram post, the E4 star spoke openly about how she and boyfriend Ryan Libby earlier this year lost their unborn child.

Speaking to over 1.2million followers, she noted that ‘It might seem like everywhere you look on Instagram people are [as] happy as can be [but] there is also a great deal of SHIT going on behind closed doors. I think it’s SUPER important that we talk about our struggles as well as our wins.’

‘Earlier this year we lost our baby and it was HARD and in all honesty, I had no idea that it was possible to love someone that I’d never met quite so much. From the moment I saw the lines on the pregnancy test I started to build an emotional connection and my whole world changed, and for that to be taken away was devastating’.

Baby loss charity Tommy’s, who Louise also promoted with her sad news, work towards making the UK the safest place in the world to give birth, supported by people who refuse to accept that a baby’s death is just ‘one of those things’. Its supporters want to do something about the lack of research and information around pregnancy issues.

The charity assists in funding pioneering research to identify why pregnancy goes wrong, which helps to understand how we can prevent complications and loss, as well as enabling specialist care for people at our clinics, research centres and across the NHS.

“Losing a baby can be devastating at any stage in pregnancy, and it’s endured frequently but often silently because of the stigma that Louise’s post is trying to tackle. Everyone deals with trauma differently and some families prefer to grieve privately, but people like Louise sharing their stories is a vital step in breaking the silence around baby loss.” – Tommy’s midwife Sophie King told ATV Today

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