This week in the Scottish and Welsh serials.

There’s no sign of Sara on the day of the court case hearing for Ifan’s custody battle. While Jason looks for Sara, Non lands at Penrhewl in the middle of the wedding preparations to help Eileen.
Garry does everything within his power to stop Dani from having Dylan’s baby. In the meantime, Aled’s heartbroken as he suspects that Iolo and Tyler have rekindled their relationship. DJ’s conscience weighs heavily on him during his stag do as he continues to deceive everyone around him. Aled on the other hand is delighted when Dylan takes him on a night out to bond as father and son.
DJ’s given an ultimatum to choose between Sioned and Non or Sioned will be told the truth. As DJ ponders over his decision, the rivalry between Izzy and Ray creates a rift in Izzy’s relationship with Mathew.
DJ packs his bags as he comes to a decision between Sioned and Non. Izzy also contemplates leaving Cwmderi as Gaynor offers a significant sum of money for her to go.
Pobol y Cwm, S4C, Monday, Tuesday (double bill), Wednesday & Thursday 8 pm

The first of two episodes starts with Lenny promising revenge – but Rory urges caution. However, when Lenny spots a veiled threat to Amber’s life from the Foulkes family, he silently decides to take action.
Alex tries to talk Lenny down but it proves futile. Hell-bent on violent revenge, Lenny lies in wait for Tyler. However, as the two men go head to head, it soon becomes clear the real culprit behind the threats – Tyler’s cousin, Dave Foulkes. The enemies find themselves unexpectedly united and Tyler faces an impossible decision to bring the feud to an end.
Elsewhere, seeing Stevie downbeat and unhappy, Scarlett turns to Bob to boost his brother’s mood. Despite his initial reluctance, Stevie goes to the Tall Ship for a few drinks, but Bob’s banter only irks him more. However, when Bob opens up about his emotional struggles in the past, the brothers bond and Stevie, at least momentarily, feels a weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
Eve tries to build bridges with Dylan and suggests they play a computer game together. Convinced his mum is a loser with technology, Dylan is stunned when Eve wins. Eve starts to feel optimistic about their future but worries the shadow of Cameron still looms large.
River City, BBC Scotland, 10pm Monday, March 15th. Repeated on BBC One Scotland later in the week.
Details of Wednesday’s episode can be seen further down in this issue of POTPs.

Whatever Iestyn has been up to at University, it seems that the authorities are now looking for him and he will soon have to face his problems.
Dani has found time to celebrate at Copa and is beginning to enjoy herself on both sides of the bar.
Philip isn’t enjoying himself at all – between Mel moaning about needing a replacement for Glenda at the cafe and worries about his health, he is finding life very complicated.
Mathew is sinking deeper into the pit of painkiller addiction and a visit to the doctor makes things much worse.
Rownd a Rownd, S4C, Thursday 8.25 pm

The second episode of the week.
Following the street shooting, Lenny and Amber are on edge, waiting on word about Rory’s condition. While Kim tries to offer words of support, Amber is guilt-ridden for putting Rory’s life in danger with her Tyler Foulkes feud.
As Rory prepares to have an emergency operation to remove the bullet, Lenny sits by his son’s bedside and they have a heart to heart.
Amber decides to hand herself into the police but is talked down by her dad – prison nearly broke her. Despite their differences with Paul, one by one the Murdochs realises he’s the best chance Rory has for a brighter, happier future.
Elsewhere, Stevie’s shocked to discover Lenny sold him out and Tyler is the new owner of The Two Jailbirds. Adding insult to injury, Stevie’s stung when Tyler makes it clear he doesn’t need a manager – just a dogsbody.
Worse still, Stevie quickly realises Tyler plans to use the business as a front for criminality. After initially challenging Tyler, a debt-ridden Stevie faces up to the reality that he has no option but to swallow his pride.
Caitlin is dismayed to discover Poppy has left town. Worried about the hassle of finding a new lawyer, Caitlin has a brainwave – she’ll represent herself. Maggie is horrified at the idea, but Ruby assures her mum she believes in her.
River City, BBC Scotland, 10 pm Wednesday, March 17th. Repeated on BBC One Scotland later in the week.