Your Pick of the Plots for Monday, February 22.

Phil promises Kat that there’s nothing between him and Sharon anymore, but Kat pretends not to be concerned either way. Later, Kat tips off Phil about a customer – Stas – that Kheerat is trying to poach from the Mitchells. After using the information to his advantage, Phil thanks Kat. Kat still has Sharon on her mind but is too proud to admit her true feelings.
Meanwhile, Kim sets Isaac up on a date with Lola but Sheree doesn’t appreciate her meddling. Later, an angry Isaac returns home, but Kim insists he has got the wrong end of the stick – she didn’t pay Lola to date him. Isaac tracks Lola down and confesses he would like to try again. They don’t notice an anxious Sheree watching on from across the Square.
Elsewhere, Kathy insists that Peter takes Bobby out for the night. Dotty has a proposition for Ruby – paying Tiff and her friends to promote the club on social media to entice more city boys to splash their cash but Ruby isn’t sold on the idea. Stacey very reluctantly apologises to Ruby.
EastEnders, BBC One, 8.05pm

Sarah is pleased when Lucas calls at Underworld to do business. Peter is not happy about the thought of Carla going to Harrogate to meet someone from Lucas’ firm. As Carla and Lucas go over her sales strategy, neither of them notices Peter approaching with a bunch of flowers. What will he discover?
Later, Carla is bewildered to find Peter in a low mood. Jenny persuades Carla to join her for a glass of wine and send Sarah to the business meeting in Harrogate in her place. A tipsy Carla later pretends to be in Harrogate to Peter. He realises this isn’t the truth when he speaks to Adam.
Meanwhile, Alya finds stack of unopened final demand letters. Later, Alya tells her gran that the only way to sort out the debt is to appeal to the bank’s better nature, explaining it was all Geoff.
Elsewhere, Steve and Tim take the mick out of Eileen, aware she fancies George. When Jacob suggests Simon should sample the drugs himself, Simon’s unsure. Ed is forced to tell his brother how his gambling habit nearly cost him his marriage.
Coronation Street, ITV, 7.30pm and 8.30pm

Nicola and Jimmy are being secretly watched by Juliette. Later, Juliette warns that she will involve a solicitor if she’s not given access. Jimmy is determined not to let Juliette break up his family.
Meanwhile, Laurel tells Jai that she’s worried about losing Gabby.
Elsewhere, squeamish Nate sets himself gory tests to ready himself for being at the birth.
Emmerdale, ITV, 7pm

Felix, Warren and Brody need a plan to protect themselves from getting arrested, but Summer is suspicious about Warren’s behaviour and accuses him of attacking her dad. Warren shares photos and stories of his upbringing with Cormac so she knows how close they were, but will it be enough to stop her pointing the finger?
Grace is heartbroken to see Felix with Martine when he’s meant to be on a date with her. However, a troubling discovery means that she might need him more than ever.
Meanwhile, things are tense between Cher and Mercedes. When the pub credit card goes missing, Romeo lets slip that Cher has it. In anger, Cher blames Romeo for Lily’s death.
Elsewhere, John Paul lies his way out of helping Sally with a school art project so he can spend the night with George.
Hollyoaks, Channel 4, 6.30pm

Lily fills Eve in on her engagement and break up with Al, hoping Eve will help Al see what a mistake he’s made. A fuming Al arrives. As Eve berates him for treating Lily badly, Lily realises that Eve has dementia. Al admits he doesn’t love Lily and she leaves, stating she never wants to see him again.
Meanwhile, Daniel, Sid and Bear arrive at the Icon, with Daniel determined to let his hair down and have a good time. However, when Daniel appears increasingly drunk and flirts with young women, Sid and Bear become more and more concerned. But Daniel soon admits he has only been pretending to be drunk, to get back at them for making fun of him.
Later, Daniel gets a call from the prison asking him to do a shift and realises this may be his opportunity to talk to Simon and finally get some answers.
Doctors, BBC One, 1.45pm