Directed by Savvas D. Michael, the British crime thriller, Original Gangster, will be available in the UK on DVD & Digital Download from 5th April.
The film stars Steve Guttenberg (Police Academy, 3 Men and a Baby), as well as a host of British talent including Adam Deacon (Anuvahood), Ian Reddington (Highlander), Vas Blackwood (Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels) and the up-and-coming talent Alex Mills as the lead role, Castor.
Castor is orphaned when gangsters murder his parents, but sentimental assassin Milo spares his life. Years later, once Castor has reached adulthood, the two are reunited when Castor steals from one of Milo’s men to survive.
Milo sees a budding gangster in Castor, who has resorted to violence to sustain himself in his mostly homeless existence. Milo procures a job for Castor as an enforcer. Castor is happy to repay Milo for saving his life, but finds himself increasingly uncomfortable the cold, emotionless existence of a criminal.
Castor must make a choice between living the violent, empty life of a gangster or to pursue his lifelong dream of having his own family.
Original Gangster will be available on DVD & Digital Download from 5th April. A trailer can be viewed below: