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Psychics Reveal Their 2021 Predictions from Donald Trump to Boris Johnson


Psychics Reveal Their 2021 Predictions from Donald Trump to Boris Johnson

Psychic World has been looking to the year ahead with predictions on what is in store for some famous names.

Every year asks a carefully selected panel of psychics to provide a series of predictions for the new year.

They shed their forward-thinking light and wisdom on daily news, politics, climate, sport, the economy, and celebrities, looking into what big news we can expect in 2021.

Highlights from this years’ offering include how Miley Cyrus (23/11/1992 – Sagittarius) has an incredible amount of soul searching happening currently. PsychicWorld can see that this will lead her to become very vocal about her spirituality, which is likely to become a driving force in her life this year.

Then there’s Ellen DeGeneres (26/01/1958 – Aquarius) discovered that she lost more followers than any celebrity last year. Now her zodiac sign says that the upcoming year will start on a positive note. She will get the opportunity to start over again and make things right; her relationships with colleagues will improve as a result. However, in the midst of 2021, her zodiac does show she could face numerous controversies and negativity in her future careers.

Speaking of controversial Donald Trump (14/06/1946 – Gemini) will leave the Presidential Office and is likely to go silent for two months. He will then rise up and be a huge driving force in the world – bigger and with more influence than he had as President.

He will also be working on a tell-all book about his life inside of the White House and reveal some dirty behind-the-scenes secrets. PsychicWorld can also see that Melania will divorce Donald Trump before the summer. Although she will be dating another prominent business figure before the end of the year, she will be private about the matter.

Oprah Winfrey (29/01/1954 – Aquarius) will become a powerful guru, writing a book influencing others to follow a spiritual path. This book will be a new venture for her, where the proceeds will be donated to a new charity that she is predicted to launch. She also may very well become a UN Ambassador of Goodwill.

Meghan (04/08/1981 – Leo) and Harry (15/09/1984 – Virgo) are predicted to grow from strength to strength in 2021 and there will be a pregnancy announcement! Meghan may bring out a range of children’s books that will be empowering in their format.

Meghan will spearhead a very high-profile campaign for Woman’s Rights, especially focusing on domestic violence and abuse. The couple will also focus more on mental health awareness and Meghan may very well take up the post of a regular columnist to a high-profile publication.

Katy Perry (25/10/1984 – Scorpio) now that she has her first child, she gets a lot of fulfilment out of being a mother. Based on her zodiac sign, it is likely that Katy Perry will place a lot of focus on her family as she values this over a career. She will not be in the spotlight as much as before.

Boris Johnson (19/06/1964 – Gemini) at the beginning of the year, he will feel quite lost and empty of enthusiasm, personally wondering if being Prime Minister is really worth all the effort.

However, during the second part of the year, he will be seen as a hero to many after being creative in how he encourages the financial growth of the UK – especially post Brexit. There could also be an announcement of another pregnancy in his marriage.

Christiano Ronaldo (05/02/1985 – Aquarius) will learn to bring more forgiveness into his life. During the second half of the year, he will be spending time to take care of his own needs before he burns himself out.

There will be a lot of stress for him to carry businesswise, and once everything starts moving forward for him, he will need a nice holiday from the world and its problems.

To see the whole fortune-telling experience visit:

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