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Rich List: the Zodiac sign destined for fame and fortune


Rich List: the Zodiac sign destined for fame and fortune

When it comes to our star signs and their behavioural traits, it’s clear to see that they can have a direct effect on our finances.

Using the Forbes 2020 list of highest-earning celebrities, researchers were able to recently analyse each person’s star sign to see which sign is most frequent.

With the help of Psychic World, the statists have revealed how your sign’s traits may help you on your journey to riches and success…

Leo 12% 978,787,760
Capricorn 12% 615,320,222
Libra 10% 480,467,642
Gemini 9% 488,112,394
Scorpio 9% 446,151,985
Virgo 9% 467,749,302
Cancer 9% 454,552,820
Aquarius 8% 473,575,469
Taurus 7% 342,836,554
Sagittarius 6% 294,600,517
Aries 5% 268,314,884
Pisces 4% 186,836,798

Leo (July 23 – August 22):

Leos are born fame seekers. They crave for attention and are good at keeping it which is why they made up 12% of the highest-paid celebs this year. In total, this sign reeled in a whopping £978,787,760 with Kylie Jenner being the highest earner (£434.3 million), followed by Roger Federer (£78.2 million) and Joe Jonas (£50.4 million).

Capricorn (December 22 – January 20):

Capricorns are well known for = their constant hard work to elevate their way up in the world, which is why it’s no surprise they made up 12% of the highest earners. In total, celebrities under this sign brought in a sum of £615,320,222 this year with the highest earners being Howard Stern (£66.2 million), LeBron James (£64.9 million) and Rush Limbaugh (£62.5 million).

Libra (September 23 – October 22):

Charming, creative and the most common star sign among the world’s wealthiest billionaires, it’s no surprise they made up 10% of Forbes’ list. £480,467,642 was made between the celebs with this sign, the top earners were Bill Simmons (£60.7 million), Kevin Durant (£47 million) and Simon Cowell (£37.5 million).

Gemini (May 21 – June 21):

Making up 9% of the top 100 highest-paid celebrities in 2020 are Geminis. Geminis love being credited for whatever they do as much as they love the idea of being famous. So, it’s no surprise Kanye West is the highest-earning among them reeling in £125.1 million this year, followed by Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood who both earned £43.5 million.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21):

Also accounting for 9% are the ever so passionate Scorpios. Not only are they great at driving their own fame and maintaining it, but they are also great multi-taskers which helps with earning that extra income. Ryan Reynolds takes the title of the highest-earning Scorpio this year (£52.6 million), followed by Gordon Ramsay (£51.5 million) and Kevin Jonas (£50.4 million).

Virgo (August 23 – September 22):

Virgos follow suit making up 9% of the highest-earning celebs. All around, this sign made £467,749,302 this year, with much of that being contributed by Tyler Perry (£71.4 million), Nick Jonas (£50.4 million) and Dr Phil (£48.2 million). Attention-grabbing Virgos love being known and crave being paid for doing so, they are methodical perfectionists and it always pays off.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

Like the previous three signs, Cancers also contribute to 9% of the highest-paid celebs of 2020. Known for being intuitive, it’s clear to see they know when a good opportunity presents itself in the form of a special talent with football sensation Lionel Messi being the highest-earning of the sign (£76.5 million), Ariana Grande and her showstopping vocals came second (£53 million) and the self-proclaimed ‘rockstar’ Post Malone falls just behind earning £44.1 million this year.

Aquarius (January 21 – February 20):

Aquarians made up 8% of the list this year. Known for their intelligence it’s obvious they can spot a good deal when they see one. Bringing in a total of £473,575,469, football icons Ronaldo and Neymar brought in the most (£77.2 and £70.2 million respectively), alongside Ellen DeGeneres despite attempts to cancel her this year (£61.8 million).

Taurus (April 19 – May 20):

Making up 7% of this year’s highest earners are Taurus’. Much of their wealth can be attributed to their determination and stubbornness, they tend to have an eye for lucrative investments. Dwayne Johnson was the highest-earning among his zodiac sign (£64.3 million) followed by Alex Pall from The Eagles (£50 million) and Marshmello (£41.2 million).

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21):

This year, Sagittarius makes up 6% of the highest celebrity earners. While they are experimental and open-minded, they don’t always extend themselves to where the money resides. They were still able to make a handsome £294,600,517 between them with Taylor Swift being the highest earning of them all (£46.7 million), followed by Keith Richards (£43.4 million) and then Jay-Z (£39.3 million).

Aries (March 20 – April 21):

Second to last are Aries who only made up 5% of this year’s Forbes list. Despite being great leaders, it seems they don’t do as much commanding when it comes to money. Also known to be short-tempered and moody this isn’t always helpful when it comes to business. Still, celebrities such as Elton John were able to make £59.6 million this year, as well as James Patterson (£58.8 million) and Celine Dion (£30.9 million).

Pisces (February 19 – March 20):

Pisces and their passive nature sees them coming in last place with only 4% of this year’s highest-earning celebrities. The three highest-earning stars with this sign were basketball sensation Steph Curry (£54.7 million), Suga (£36.8 million) and Rihanna (£33.8 million).

Which profession brings the most fame and fortune?

The research found that celebrities involved in the music world were most common, in fact that they made up 49% of the top 100. This was followed by 26% of people being sports players, 10% being actors and actresses.

The remaining 15% was made up of TV personalities, lawyers, authors, comedians, radio show hosts, reality stars, a magician, chef and model.

The research was carried out by with the assistance of

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