Us naïve types used to think that swinging was what you did with your pants along with Trev and Simon on Saturday mornings…

“Channel 4 has a reputation for boldly shining a light on subjects that others may shy away from and Swingers is no exception. This frank and enlightening observational-documentary looks to lift the lid on a lifestyle that appears to be increasingly chosen by many.” – Fozia Khan, Commissioning Editor, Channel 4
Channel 4 and sex go together like Dominic Cummings and Durham, this is the channel after all that in the 1990s gave us the Red Light Zone – a late night mix of sex documentaries and soft porn. Now the network turns it attention to those sexual swingers.
Filmed before the outbreak of Covid-19, Swingers explores the world of the everyday people who choose to do something different in their free time.
Meeting committed couples who claim swinging is the cherry on top of their already great relationship and single men and women who believe swinging is a safe and respectful way to satisfy their sexual desires without commitment; the single women being known as ‘unicorns’ for their rarity on the circuit.
There are now a reported 1.5 million people on the British swinging scene and with the rise of the internet meaning it’s no longer just about leaving your “keys in a bowl” and many major towns and cities in the UK boasting a swingers club this intimate one-off takes an honest and no-holds-barred look at those whose behaviour may have been previously been deemed far more taboo.
“Channel 4 is set to unlock the doors of the country’s hidden swinging scene via access to one of Britain’s most popular swingers’ clubs, in a brand new observational documentary that aims to shed light on a lifestyle that is often sensationalised.” – Channel 4 PR
The one off documentary will air later this year in an hour-long slot on Channel 4.