It’s Thursday night and Al is taking Eve to a film quiz in a local pub. He’s psyching himself up for the ultimate film buff showdown but is disappointed to find the drag compere is Brian Lewis, his childhood bully and nemesis. Al tries to hold his own but can’t help feeling humiliated when Teena makes him the butt of jokes for the wider pub audience.
Al becomes even more determined to do well in the quiz but Eve asserts that some of his answers are wrong. Al becomes suspicious of his mother’s sudden in-depth movie knowledge. Al and Eve are vindicated when they’re announced as the quiz winners; neither are too proud to rub their victory in Teena’s face. Later, at home, as they enjoy the chocolates they won, Al accuses his mother of cheating – she was checking her phone in the bathroom wasn’t she?
Meanwhile, Karen has made “special” brownies for Jay using the weed she acquired on the Churchill. Karen hides the brownies but Rob noses them out and helps himself. Karen and Jay are gobsmacked to find Rob unwittingly stoned. They try to wriggle their way out of trouble but, when Rob decides to drive himself to the shop, are forced to admit what’s happened.