The latest goings on in Coronation Street, EastEnders, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks.

In the Rovers, Peter, Brian, Cathy and Carla discuss Geoff and Yasmeen’s hurried departure. Meanwhile, Yasmeen dials 999 and tells the operator she’s killed her husband.
Peter, Brian and Cathy head out of the pub in time to see an ambulance and two police cars pull up outside No.6. Tim runs towards the house but a police officer blocks his path. The paramedics tend to Geoff.
Yasmeen arrives at the police station to find Imran waiting for her, having taken a call from Ryan. In the Rovers, the police question the regulars about Geoff and Yasmeen’s relationship.
Coronation Street, Monday at 7.30pm on ITV, STV and UTV.

Whitney can’t contain her fury as Michaela admits she knew what Tony was doing and blames herself for Leo’s death. Gray and Max spring into action to try and rescue Whitney.
At the call centre, Chantelle is anxious knowing Gray needs her help, but Kheerat manages to distract her and Chantelle begins to open up.
Meanwhile, everyone at the club is horrified to see Bobby unconscious. When Bobby comes round, he lies about what happened to protect Dotty. Later, Lola is alarmed to see Jay and Peter talking.
Elsewhere, Isaac is dumbfounded to learn that Patrick is his father. Denise is quick to reassure Patrick. Kush is concerned about Jean.
EastEnders, Monday at 8pm on BBC One.

A loved-up Belle shares a post-coital drink at the Woolpack with Jamie. Andrea joins them and tells Jamie that they need to take a holiday with one another.
Meanwhile, on a country road, Cain and Billy are alarmed to see that there is a police car trying to pull them over. They realise it is Malone and the chase is over. Billy and Cain’s eyes glare into Malone’s as they realise they’ve been set up.
Elsewhere, Paddy loses it and shouts at baby Eve. Chas is understanding and Paddy decides to seek further help professionally. Dan suffers a setback when he tries to be independent.
Emmerdale, Monday at 7pm on ITV, STV and UTV.

Scott has his doubts about Mitchell’s innocence after he is arrested for attacking Felix. Verity offers to be his lawyer, and Mitchell is feeling the pressure under questioning.
Scott tells Diane that he’s not sure he believes him, and he starts to question his relationship. Meanwhile, Felix wakes up. He wants a second chance and asks Celeste to hear him out.
Elsewhere, Sally thinks John Paul fancies PC George Kiss and tries to find out if George feels the same way. As John Paul and Sally bicker, Matthew-Jesus asks George whether he likes boys or girls.
Hollyoaks, Monday at 6.30pm on Channel 4 and a ‘first look’ at 7pm on E4.

Ruhma and Zara are greeted at Ruhma’s hearing by Janet Bradley, Ruhma’s midwifery advocate, who warns Zara against interfering during the hearing. As Ruhma deals with difficult questions over who was responsible for the kiss with Doug and the effect it had on Carrie, she insists that she did nothing wrong. But when it is revealed that others have come forward to complain about her being over-familiar, she’s floored.
Meanwhile, Rob is angered to find Jay outside, smoking a joint. Jay reveals he only smokes to help him deal with his epilepsy. Despite Jay’s explanation, Rob informs Jay he’ll have to leave the house. Karen protests but Rob won’t be swayed.
Elsewhere, Valerie and Sid decide to play match maker.
Doctors, Monday at 1.45pm on BBC One.