The latest goings on in Coronation Street, EastEnders, Emmerdale, Hollyoaks and Doctors.

Daniel returns in time for the funeral which proves to be very moving. Afterwards, Daniel tells Peter he is going home to watch the videos that Sinead made for him and Bertie on his laptop. At the same time, a burglar is rifling through Daniel’s things and bundles the laptop into a holdall.
As Sinead’s wake continues in the Rovers, Daniel lets himself into the flat and is shocked to see that it has been defiled. Peter asks Carla to take Daniel to Ken’s whilst he calls the police.
Meanwhile, Carla is confuddled to see Michelle working alongside Robert and even more so when Michelle swears her to secrecy about the affair. Later, Vicky flies at Robert for leading a double life.
Elsewhere, Paul quizzes Billy on why he gave Bernie a job. He’s taken aback when Billy admits that he loves him. Paul confides in David that he was responsible for getting Josh to change his statement and when David opens up about the rape, it strikes a chord with Paul.
Coronation Street, Monday at 7.30pm and 8.30pm on ITV, STV and UTV.

Everyone reels from the events of last week, but does Sharon’s secret remain hidden?
Meanwhile, Martin winds Ben up about Callum wanting to join the police. Ben admits to Callum that his potential new career casts doubts on the viability of their relationship. Later, Ben demands Martin do another job for him, threatening his family. However, Kathy overhears everything.
Elsewhere, Mick tries to get Linda excited for a ‘Best Pub’ competition, and asks Shirley not to mention Ollie’s upset at not getting a ‘Learner of the Week’ award at school.
EastEnders, Monday at 8pm on BBC One.

Mandy is determined that Beth should explain herself. She barges into Beth’s house, where she finds Lydia’s mum Agatha.
Mandy takes Agatha back to the Dingles where she reveals that she has never stopped thinking about Lydia, but on a more pressing note, Lydia’s father died of Huntington’s disease which Lydia could also have.
Elsewhere, Leyla panics when David reveals that Maya is being released; Charity puts her foot down.
Emmerdale, Monday at 7pm on ITV, STV and UTV.

Sami is heartbroken when Sinead confirms that she won’t be coming to their wedding today.
Sid is horrified when he overhears his dad plotting to kill Ste. Jonny warns Ste to do a runner, but it’s all part of Stuart’s plan. Jonny leads Ste to the waiting taxi in The Dog carpark, but Ste is filled with horror when he realises that the driver is Stuart…
Ste manages to flee from the car while Sid alerts Leela, Peri and Sami to his predicament. Stuart knocks Sami out and places him in the back of the car before helping Jonny retrieve Ste. They speed off with Sid, Peri and Leela in pursuit. On a clifftop, Stuart runs towards Ste, but Sid knocks his dad off course and over the edge of the cliff.
Elsewhere, Darren and Nancy discuss what happened in the tunnel unaware Charlie’s camera is recording them.
Hollyoaks, Monday at 6.30pm on Channel 4 and a ‘first look’ at 7pm on E4.

As Karen buys a perkier Martha some sweets, Natalie reveals herself as Martha’s mother and freaks out over the confectionary purchase. Natalie admits she gets terrified and apologises to Karen.
Natalie asks if Martha can come home today, but Abigail doesn’t feel the time is quite right. Abigail reveals that she’s removing Martha from Karen’s care too as she needs to be with people more au fait with allergies.
Meanwhile, Daniel and Zara conduct interviews for the new Practice Manager. They meet with three candidates: – Lucy, Bear and Rafe. They’re most impressed by Rafe and decide to offer him the job.
Doctors, Monday at 1.45pm on BBC One.