The latest goings on in Hollyoaks and Doctors.

Cindy, unhappy about Damon and Holly’s reunion asks Milo to help her hack into Damon’s phone. Liberty tries flirting with Damon, but he tells her how Milo feels about her so she rushes off to find him.
They kiss but when Damon and Holly arrive to confront Milo about hacking Damon’s phone, they discover the tracking map he has for Holly. Cindy denies all knowledge and throws Milo under the bus. Dirk is furious and tells Milo to move out.
Meanwhile, Goldie is trying to hide the news about Sylver’s release from prison which is across the front pages of the newspaper from Myra and Sally. Sylver arrives as Goldie is throwing some newspapers in the bin.
Elsewhere, Buster is holding a fundraiser for a team trip to Barcelona. Imran uses Misbah’s credit card to pay for the trip.
Hollyoaks, Wednesday at 6.30pm on Channel 4 and a ‘first look’ at 7pm on E4.

Over at the Carter house everybody is dealing with the aftermath of what happened yesterday. Alia is blaming herself and Ruhma feels guilty for the way she judged her. Meanwhile, Shak is surprised to find Heston being supportive rather than chastising him for his behaviour. Farah arrives with flowers for Alia but Shak takes Alia to one side and tells her there’s word that Tarks has got some sort of romantic thing going on with Farah. Alia is crushed to hear this. Ruhma suggests a takeaway.
Later, we see Heston walking past the takeaway; Shak is out on his bike trying to clear his head and Ruhma is walking down a street. And then Alia abandons her revision and slips out of the house too. A short time later, Heston’s car drives towards Tarks at speed. It hits him and the driver zooms off leaving him lying motionless on the ground… We see the family returning home one by one all behaving perfectly normally but is one of them responsible and if so who?
Elsewhere, Zara and Daniel do an ‘exit interview’ with Penny but something doesn’t quite ring true – what are they really up to?
Doctors, Wednesday at 1.45pm on BBC One.